The Teaching Equity Network (TEN) offers grant opportunities for organizations to develop and host their own Teaching Equity events.
These events are intended to gather regional stakeholders in a collaborative space to further equity initiatives and contribute to a statewide movement on equity in the teaching profession. To foster these initiatives, the Teaching Equity Network will provide grants of up to $5,000.
Grant Eligibility
To be eligible to receive a grant, applications must include partnerships with other education stakeholders, including local school districts, preparation programs, the WEA local association, and local community organization(s). Events must be held by September 3, 2021. The event gatherings must focus on racial justice, defined as the systemic fair treatment of people of all races that results in equitable opportunities and outcomes for everyone. TEN uses the racial justice lens from to analyze equity in public schools. In addition, proposals must also focus on at least two of the following:
Embed opportunities for youth, pre-service and professional educators to collaborate or learn together and/or from each other (e.g., building relationships across categories of difference, culturally responsive literacy practices, development of multicultural text sets, values-based grading and assessment)
A youth focus/component of the event ("Youth Summit" or something similar) that explores the profession of education
A positive focus on highlighting educator roles and opportunities for an educator career path for underrepresented groups (eg. access & identify, prepare, place, retain, grow & develop)
Recruit and retain a more diverse educator workforce in local communities
Professional growth opportunities for in-service professional educators (e.g., certificated educators are eligible to earn clock hours)
Inclusion of research and/or data on key equity topics (e.g., opportunity gap, education laws, discipline reporting)
Gatherings for local community members to increase knowledge and exposure of teaching opportunities and pathways
Expectations of Grantees
Expectations of awarded grantees include a space at the gathering for statewide representatives of PESB, WEA, and the Careers in Education Center of Excellence to see the work in action and promote TEN efforts.
Your grant-funded event must take place by September 3, 2021. Grant recipients are required to submit a post-event report to the Teaching Equity Network within 45 days of the event.
Best Practices
The success of a Teaching Equity Conference depends in large part on who is included in the planning process. The following have been identified as key practices in the development of a Teaching Equity conference and the integration of these practices are strongly encouraged for a successful proposal:
Development of a planning and design committee that includes representation from various partners, including teacher preparation programs, local/regional community groups, unions, teacher academies (high schools), and school districts
The inclusion of a teacher preparation program at the event is required
To maintain the focus on under-served populations, local/regional community groups should be included as they often have stronger ties to communities
If a youth event, we encourage you to include teacher academies and school districts
Representation of local/regional grow-your-own programs at the event

Apply today!
Thank you for your interest in the Teaching Equity Network Grant fund program. The application period is now closed.
Please revisit our site in the Fall for more information on future opportunities.
Previous Grant Recipients
Spring 2017
Diversifying the Teaching Workforce
Heritage University, Toppenish, WA
Fall 2018
Teaching Equity is Central
Central Washington University, Ellensburg, WA
Teaching Equity Summit: We Are Mavericks
Meadowdale High School, Lynnwood, WA
Fall 2019
Teaching Equity Summit
Technology Access Foundation, Seattle, WA
Teaching Equity Summit 2nd year
Pierce College, Lakewood, WA
Spring 2021
Racial Equity Onboarding Training: Understanding the Effects and Impact of Implicit Bias, Mount Vernon School District, Mount Vernon, WA
Spring 2018
Critical Race Theory in Education
Mariner High School, Everett, WA
Teaching Equity: Advocating for Students Regional Conference
Saint Martin's University, Lacey, WA
Retaining Teachers of Color Conference
Pierce College, Lakewood, WA
Advancing Racial Justice and Equity in Teaching
Skagit Valley College, Mount Vernon, WA
2nd Annual Teaching Equity Conference: Advocating for All Students
Saint Martin’s University, Lacey, WA